Cardiff Men In Sheds, in partnership with ACE, have finally launched in the Old Betting Office alongside the Dusty Forge, at 460 Great Western Avenue, Ely. ‘Men In Sheds’, an idea originally from Australia, is aimed at men with time on their hands, perhaps due to retirement, illness, or unemployment, or they are looking for something practical to get involved with. This will help men to get us out of the house, meet others and make new friends, learn and share skills, and making a positive contribution to the community. It is inclusive, non-political and non-religious where members recognise and are tolerant of others. No skills or experience are necessary to be a Member just a desire to get involved. If you have a skill and are willing to share it with others that would be great too!
In Australia MIS is seen as a major success in keeping men active and the UK there are now 300 Sheds, all doing what the local members are interested in; from woodwork, engineering, electronics, to painting, drawing or music. There are no boundaries, no set format that has to be followed, so CMIS can be whatever we want it to be.
We are now meeting every Wednesday from 9am to 4pm, and are looking to members to start new projects.
CMIS would like to give a big thank you to Willmott Dixon Plc and their sub-contractors who have undertaken a huge amount of work to refurbish the Old Betting Shop.
You can help us make this a success from behind the scenes by helping with publicity, coming up with ideas for projects, fundraising, maintaining our website or perhaps leading a project on the Wednesday we would love to hear from you. We can be contacted via Facebook, Twitter, our website or email,, or, just come along on a Wednesday and say hello or give Dave King a call on 07795 640324 who would be more than happy to discuss what it is all about!