Gardening Update – Billy Bees Green Fingers & Grow Well Project – 2018-10-15

Crop in the Shop! – Lovely Tomatoes







With the unusually warm October heatwave, we have had a bumper crop of tomatoes, including Cherry and Yellow Plum, up to 2.5kg! Pop into the ACE Community Shop and pick up a bag full!

Working on the Flower Garden







We’re had more volunteers supporting our garden recently, which has meant we can get more work done in the flower garden. We’ve added a new pond area which will support the frogs, toads and newts who have been inhabiting the garden, and by adding aquatic plants we’ll support a broader range of wildlife in the garden.

Around the pond we’re planting Daffodil and Tulip bulbs, which will bright the garden. They need to be planted now, to get in while the temperature has turned cooler and (should) start to get colder. The bulbs need to feel the cold of winter, so that when the Spring comes along and the temperature start’s to rise they know its time to germinate and grow.







We still have flowers blooming but there’s quite a few deadheads. Picking of the deadheads will make the plants transfer its energy to the existing heads that are still in flower.

Winter Crops







We’ve been tidying up the 5 beds, removing old plants and turning the soil helping existing crops. We’re planting Celeriac, adding Leeks, Red and Spanish Onions, and checking the Turnips, red Cabbage and Carrots are doing well.

ACE are always looking for volunteers to help, gain experience and have some fun in the garden.
If you want to join in, come along on Mondays, 12pm to 3:30pm and see Dave Kilner, Grow Well Project, any time!


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